Dear Smitty,
I've had a disappointing month so far. A couple weeks ago, I learned that my pancreas was going to give me troubles for the rest of my life. The pain is getting better now, but is almost certain to come back. Then a couple days ago, I was rejected by a company for whom I hoped to write. Can you help me cope with these disappointments?
Dear Bummed,
Be glad that your vagina doesn't hurt, too. Unbelievable!
Dear T-Boz,
Your are my last hope. I have written to several advice columnists and none of them has been able to help me. I've attached the letter above so I don't have to retype all my problems. Can you help?
Dear Desperate,
What a baby. Man up. If you want to come see me, I'll give you two actual problems: my fists.
when i read these, i got socked in the gut with funny - thanks for the unexpected laughs. (you know i'm sorry about the actual disappointments, though)